
You can plot formations (e.g. 4-4-2) on any mplsoccer pitch using the formation method. The formations work is a collaboration between Dmitry Mogilevsky and Andy Rowlinson.

The formations can be plotted as various options by using the kind argument:

  • kind='scatter'

  • kind='image'

  • kind='axes'

  • kind='pitch'

  • kind='text'

import math
from urllib.request import urlopen

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.patheffects as path_effects
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image

from mplsoccer import VerticalPitch, Sbopen, FontManager, inset_image

# data parser, fonts and path effects for giving the font an edge
parser = Sbopen()
roboto_bold = FontManager(
path_eff = [path_effects.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground='white'),

Load StatsBomb data

Load the Starting XI and pass receptions for a Barcelona vs. Real Madrid match for plotting Barcelona’s starting formation.

parser = Sbopen()
event, related, freeze, tactics = parser.event(69249)
# starting players from Barcelona
starting_xi_event = event.loc[((event['type_name'] == 'Starting XI') &
                               (event['team_name'] == 'Barcelona')), ['id', 'tactics_formation']]
# joining on the team name and formation to the lineup
starting_xi = tactics.merge(starting_xi_event, on='id')
# replace player names with the shorter version
player_short_names = {'Víctor Valdés Arribas': 'Víctor Valdés',
                      'Daniel Alves da Silva': 'Dani Alves',
                      'Gerard Piqué Bernabéu': 'Gerard Piqué',
                      'Carles Puyol i Saforcada': 'Carles Puyol',
                      'Eric-Sylvain Bilal Abidal': 'Eric Abidal',
                      'Gnégnéri Yaya Touré': 'Yaya Touré',
                      'Andrés Iniesta Luján': 'Andrés Iniesta',
                      'Xavier Hernández Creus': 'Xavier Hernández',
                      'Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini': 'Lionel Messi',
                      'Thierry Henry': 'Thierry Henry',
                      "Samuel Eto''o Fils": "Samuel Eto'o"}
starting_xi['player_name'] = starting_xi['player_name'].replace(player_short_names)
# filter only succesful ball receipts from the starting XI
event = event.loc[((event['type_name'] == 'Ball Receipt') &
                   (event['outcome_name'].isnull()) &
                   ), ['player_id', 'x', 'y']]
# merge on the starting positions to the events
event = event.merge(starting_xi, on='player_id')
formation = event['tactics_formation'].iloc[0]

Flip and half

You can plot the formations in different configurations using the flip and half arguments.

pitch = VerticalPitch(line_alpha=0.5, goal_type='box', goal_alpha=0.5)
fig, ax = pitch.draw(ncols=3, figsize=(13, 9))
sc_full = pitch.formation(formation, positions=starting_xi.position_id, c='#053e7a', ax=ax[0])
sc_flip = pitch.formation(formation, positions=starting_xi.position_id, c='#01453e', flip=True,
sc_half = pitch.formation(formation, positions=starting_xi.position_id, c='#ad1f4a', half=True,
sc_half_flip = pitch.formation(formation, positions=starting_xi.position_id, kind='scatter',
                               flip=True, half=True, ax=ax[2])

txt_full = pitch.text(60, 40, 'flip=False\nhalf=False', ax=ax[0], va='center', ha='center',
                      color='#053e7a', fontsize=20)
txt_flip = pitch.text(60, 40, 'flip=True\nhalf=False', ax=ax[1], va='center', ha='center',
                      color='#01453e', fontsize=20)
txt_half = pitch.text(45, 40, 'flip=False\nhalf=True', ax=ax[2], va='center', ha='center',
                      color='#ad1f4a', fontsize=20)
txt_half_flip = pitch.text(75, 40, 'flip=True\nhalf=True', ax=ax[2], va='center', ha='center',
                           color='#9d49c7', fontsize=20)
plot formations

Get images

Let’s get some images from Wikipedia. Note, it would be better if these all had the same aspect ratio for plotting.

image_urls = {
    # Credit: Darz Mol. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Spain license.
    'Víctor Valdés': '',
    # Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0
    'Dani Alves': '',
    # Credit: Shay. CC BY-SA 3.0
    'Gerard Piqué': '',
    # Credit: Shay. CC BY-SA 3.0
    'Carles Puyol': '',
    # Credit: Mutari. Public Domain
    'Eric Abidal': '',
    # Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0
    'Yaya Touré': '',
    # Credit: Darz Mol CC BY-SA 2.5 es
    'Andrés Iniesta': '',
    # Credit: Castroquini. CC BY-SA 3.0
    'Xavier Hernández': '',
    # Credit: Tasnim News Agency. CC BY 4.0
    'Lionel Messi': '',
    # Credit: Shay. CC BY-SA 3.0
    'Thierry Henry': '',
    # Credit: Shay. CC BY-SA 3.0
    "Samuel Eto'o": '',
images = [ for url in]

Formation of images

You can plot the formations as images using kind='image' and image arguments. Here we use xoffset and yoffset to eliminate some overlapping images. The offsets should be in the same order as the positions argument (i.e. player identifiers). Additional keyword arguments are passed on to Axes.imshow.

pitch = VerticalPitch(goal_type='box')
fig, ax = pitch.draw(figsize=(6, 8.72))
ax_image = pitch.formation(formation, positions=starting_xi.position_id, kind='image', image=images,
                           xoffset=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5],
                           # xoffset in same order as the positions
                           yoffset=[0, 2, 5, -5, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                           # yoffset in the same order as the positions
# comment below sets this as the thumbnail in the docs
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = 'gallery/pitch_plots/images/sphx_glr_plot_formations_002'
plot formations

Text and scatter

You can plot the formations as text using kind='text' and the text arguments. Additional keyword arguments are passed on to Axes.text. Here we also plot kind='scatter' to add a marker for each position and additional arguments are passed on to Axes.scatter.

pitch = VerticalPitch(goal_type='box')
fig, ax = pitch.draw(figsize=(6, 8.72))
ax_text = pitch.formation(formation, positions=starting_xi.position_id, kind='text',
                          text=starting_xi.player_name.str.replace(' ', '\n'),
                          va='center', ha='center', fontsize=16, ax=ax)
# scatter markers
mpl.rcParams['hatch.linewidth'] = 3
mpl.rcParams['hatch.color'] = '#a50044'
ax_scatter = pitch.formation(formation, positions=starting_xi.position_id, kind='scatter',
                             c='#004d98', hatch='||', linewidth=3, s=500,
                             # you can also provide a single offset instead of a list
                             # for xoffset and yoffset
plot formations

Pitch of pitches

You can plot the formations as pitches using the kind='pitch' argument. I believe UtdArena was the first person to introduce this type of visualization. Additional keyword arguments amend the inset pitch’s appearance, e.g. line_color.

In this example, it is the first game that Messi played as a false-nine. After around 7 minutes Eto’o” and Messi switched positions, which is why their heatmaps look the wrong way around.

pitch = VerticalPitch(goal_type='box')
fig, axs = pitch.grid(endnote_height=0, title_height=0.08, figheight=14, grid_width=0.9,
                      grid_height=0.9, axis=False)
fm_rubik = FontManager(''
title = axs['title'].text(0.5, 0.5, 'Pass receptions\nBarcelona vs. Real Madrid', fontsize=25,
                          ha='center', color='#161616', fontproperties=fm_rubik.prop)

pitch_ax = pitch.formation(formation,
                           # avoid overlapping pitches with offsets
                           xoffset=[-3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                           # pitch is 23 units long (could also set the height).
                           # note this is set assuming the pitch is horizontal, but in this example
                           # it is vertical so that you get the same results
                           # from both VerticalPitch and Pitch
                           # additional arguments temporarily amend the pitch appearance
                           # note we are plotting a really faint positional grid
                           # that overlays the kdeplot

# adding kdeplot and player titles
for position in pitch_ax:
    player_name = starting_xi[starting_xi['position_id'] == position].player_name.iloc[0]
    player_name = player_name.replace(' ', '\n').replace('-', '-\n')
    pitch.text(150, 40, player_name, va='top', ha='center', fontsize=15, ax=pitch_ax[position],
               fontproperties=fm_rubik.prop, color='#353535')
    pitch.kdeplot(x=event.loc[event['position_id'] == position, 'x'],
                  y=event.loc[event['position_id'] == position, 'y'],
                  fill=True, levels=100, cut=100, cmap='Blues', thresh=0, ax=pitch_ax[position])
plot formations


You can plot the formation as axes. Additional keyword arguments are passed on to Axes.inset_axes.

pitch = VerticalPitch(goal_type='box')
fig, ax = pitch.draw(figsize=(6, 8.72))
ax_text = pitch.formation(formation, positions=starting_xi.position_id, height=15, aspect=1,
                          kind='axes', ax=ax)
plot formations

Get Opta data

mplsoccer also supports Wyscout and Opta formations. Let’s generate some data for the Team of the Week using Opta’s position identifiers. We will use the ‘4-3-3’ formation.

Note, all the Opta formations are included in mplsoccer. However, ‘412112’ could be called ‘4-4-2 diamond’ in Opta’s data and ‘31213’ could be called ‘343’ in Opta’s data.

totw_player_data = pd.DataFrame(
        'position': ['LW', 'ST', 'RW', 'LCM', 'CDM', 'RCM', 'LB', 'LCB', 'RCB', 'RB', 'GK'],
        'position_id': [11, 9, 10, 8, 4, 7, 3, 6, 5, 2, 1],
        'player': ['Reiten', 'Kerr', 'Fleming', 'Charles', 'Miedema', 'Kirby', 'Blundell',
                   'Greenwood', 'Bryson', 'Battle', 'Earps'],
        'score': [9.7, 8.6, 8.7, 9.1, 8.7, 9.5, 7.6, 8.0, 8.0, 9.1, 8.3],
        'team': ['Chelsea', 'Chelsea', 'Chelsea', 'Chelsea', 'Arsenal', 'Chelsea',
                 'Manchester United', 'Manchester City', 'Reading', 'Manchester United',
                 'Manchester United']
position position_id player score team
0 LW 11 Reiten 9.7 Chelsea
1 ST 9 Kerr 8.6 Chelsea
2 RW 10 Fleming 8.7 Chelsea
3 LCM 8 Charles 9.1 Chelsea
4 CDM 4 Miedema 8.7 Arsenal
5 RCM 7 Kirby 9.5 Chelsea
6 LB 3 Blundell 7.6 Manchester United
7 LCB 6 Greenwood 8.0 Manchester City
8 RCB 5 Bryson 8.0 Reading
9 RB 2 Battle 9.1 Manchester United
10 GK 1 Earps 8.3 Manchester United

Get the club badges as a dictionary and turn it into a list of badges for each player.

badge_urls = {
    'Manchester United': '',
    'Chelsea': '',
    'Manchester City': '',
    'Reading': '',
    'Arsenal': "",
image_dict = {team: for team, url in badge_urls.items()}
images = [image_dict[team] for team in]

Plotting Opta data

Next, create the pitch figure using pitch.grid to create a header space for the title. We use the formation method to create text and images for each position in the formation and use xoffsets to adjust the positions to avoid overlaps

# setup figure
pitch = VerticalPitch(pitch_type='opta', pitch_color='#333333', line_color='white', line_alpha=0.2,
fig, axes = pitch.grid(endnote_height=0, figheight=13, title_height=0.1, title_space=0, space=0)

# title
axes['title'].text(0.5, 0.6, 'WSL Team of the Week', ha='center', va='center', color='white',
axes['title'].text(0.5, 0.3, 'Round 9', ha='center', va='center', color='white', fontsize=14)

# plot the league logo using the inset_image method for utils
image =
title_image = inset_image(0.9, 0.5, image, height=1, ax=axes['title'])

text_names = pitch.formation('433', kind='text', positions=totw_player_data.position_id,
                             text=totw_player_data.player, ax=axes['pitch'],
                             xoffset=-2,  # offset the player names from the centers
                             ha='center', va='center', color='white', fontsize=11)
text_scores = pitch.formation('433', kind='text', positions=totw_player_data.position_id,
                              text=totw_player_data.score, ax=axes['pitch'],
                              xoffset=-5,  # offset the scores from the centers
                              ha='center', va='center', color='white', fontsize=11,
                              bbox=dict(facecolor='green', boxstyle='round,pad=0.2', linewidth=0))
badge_axes = pitch.formation('433', kind='image', positions=totw_player_data.position_id,
                             image=images, height=10, ax=axes['pitch'],
                             xoffset=5,  # offset the images from the centers
plot formations

Get Wyscout data

The next example uses some example Wyscout data.

wyscout_data = {'player_name': ['David de Gea', 'Bailly', 'Maguire', 'Shaw',
                                'Wan-Bissaka', 'Matić', 'Fred', 'Williams',
                                'Bruno Fernandes', 'James', 'Martial'],
                'position_id': ['gk', 'rcb3', 'cb', 'lcb3', 'rwb', 'rcmf', 'lcmf', 'lwb', 'amf',
                                'ss', 'cf'],
df_wyscout = pd.DataFrame(wyscout_data)
player_name position_id
0 David de Gea gk
1 Bailly rcb3
2 Maguire cb
3 Shaw lcb3
4 Wan-Bissaka rwb
5 Matić rcmf
6 Fred lcmf
7 Williams lwb
8 Bruno Fernandes amf
9 James ss
10 Martial cf

Plotting Wyscout formations

Here we plot the ‘3-4-1-2’ formation on a Wyscout pitch. Note for some formations in the Wyscout data there are two attacking midfielders (‘amf’) In mplsoccer, we have assigned the right position ‘ramf’ and the left position ‘lamf’. You may have to arbitrarily assign your ‘amf’ positions to these positions.

pitch = VerticalPitch(pitch_type='wyscout', goal_type='box', pitch_color='#53ac5c',
                      line_color='white', linewidth=3, corner_arcs=True)
fig, ax = pitch.draw(figsize=(6, 8.72))
sc_formation = pitch.formation(WYSCOUT_FORMATION, positions=wyscout_data['position_id'],
                               ax=ax, c='#DA291C', ec='#FBE122',
                               xoffset=[-6, -3, -3, -3, -5, -3, -3, -5, -5, -3, -3],
                               yoffset=[0, 0, 0, 0, -5, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0],
                               lw=3, s=300)
sc_text = pitch.formation(WYSCOUT_FORMATION, positions=wyscout_data['position_id'],
                          text=df_wyscout['player_name'].str.replace(' ', '\n').str.replace('-',
                          yoffset=[0, 0, 0, 0, -5, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0],
                          kind='text', va='center', ha='center', xoffset=2,
                          fontsize=20, fontproperties=roboto_bold.prop, path_effects=path_eff,
plot formations

Valid formations

You can print a list of the valid formations included in mplsoccer. mplsoccer also accepts the hyphenated versions and the Wyscout formations that include zeros, e.g. ‘4-4-2’ and ‘5-3-0’.

pitch = VerticalPitch()
['442', '41212', '433', '451', '4411', '4141', '4231', '4321', '532', '541', '352', '343', '31312', '4222', '3511', '3421', '3412', '3142', '31213', '4132', '424', '4312', '3241', '3331', 'pyramid', 'metodo', 'wm', '41221', '42211', '32221', '5221', '3232', '312112', '42121', '31222', '4213', '32122', '41131', '432', '441', '4311', '4221', '4131', '4212', '342', '3411', '351', '531', '431', '44', '422', '341', '53']

Valid positions

You can also return a dataframe of the formations, positions and coordinates.

name statsbomb opta wyscout x y x_flip y_flip x_half y_half x_half_flip y_half_flip formation
0 GK [1] 1 gk 12.0 40.0 108.0 40.0 3.0 40.0 117.0 40.0 442
1 RB [2] 2 rb 31.2 70.0 88.8 10.0 13.2 70.0 106.8 10.0 442
2 RCB [3] 5 rcb 31.2 50.0 88.8 30.0 13.2 50.0 106.8 30.0 442
3 LCB [5] 6 lcb 31.2 30.0 88.8 50.0 13.2 30.0 106.8 50.0 442
4 LB [6] 3 lb 31.2 10.0 88.8 70.0 13.2 10.0 106.8 70.0 442
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4 LCB None None lcb3 31.2 24.0 88.8 56.0 13.2 24.0 106.8 56.0 53
5 LB None None lb5 31.2 8.0 88.8 72.0 13.2 8.0 106.8 72.0 53
6 CDM None None dmf 50.4 40.0 69.6 40.0 23.4 40.0 96.6 40.0 53
7 RCM None None rcmf3 69.6 56.0 50.4 24.0 33.6 56.0 86.4 24.0 53
8 LCM None None lcmf3 69.6 24.0 50.4 56.0 33.6 24.0 86.4 56.0 53

563 rows × 13 columns

Available formations

Below is a showcase of all available formations and their positions.

pitch = VerticalPitch('uefa', line_alpha=0.5, pitch_color='#53ac5c', line_color='white')

df_formations = pitch.formations_dataframe
COLS = 5
rows = math.ceil(len(pitch.formations) / COLS)

fig, axes = pitch.grid(nrows=rows, ncols=COLS, title_height=0.015, endnote_height=0, figheight=50,
                       space=0.08, grid_height=0.92)
axes_p = axes['pitch'].flatten()
for i, formation in enumerate(pitch.formations):
    pitch.formation(formation, kind='scatter', color='black', s=350, ax=axes_p[i])
    pitch.formation(formation, kind='text',
                    positions=df_formations.loc[df_formations.formation == formation, 'name'],
                    text=df_formations.loc[df_formations.formation == formation, 'name'],
                    color='white', fontsize=8, ha='center', va='center', ax=axes_p[i])
    axes_p[i].set_title(formation, fontsize=10)
title = axes['title'].text(0.5, 0.5, 'Formations and positions', fontsize=35,
                           ha='center', va='center')

# remove spare axes
number_spare_axes = (COLS * rows) - len(pitch.formations)
for j in range(1, number_spare_axes + 1):
442, 41212, 433, 451, 4411, 4141, 4231, 4321, 532, 541, 352, 343, 31312, 4222, 3511, 3421, 3412, 3142, 31213, 4132, 424, 4312, 3241, 3331, pyramid, metodo, wm, 41221, 42211, 32221, 5221, 3232, 312112, 42121, 31222, 4213, 32122, 41131, 432, 441, 4311, 4221, 4131, 4212, 342, 3411, 351, 531, 431, 44, 422, 341, 53

Positions dataframe

If you want to access the underlying positions. You can do this with the get_positions method. There are four variations with either four or five positions in each line, line=4 or line=5, and either second_striker=True or second_striker=False. The positions without a second striker have more space around the attacking positions.

pitch.get_positions(line=5, second_striker=True)
x y x_flip y_flip x_half y_half x_half_flip y_half_flip
GK 11.000000 34.0 94.000000 34.0 2.750 34.0 102.250 34.0
RB 24.833333 6.8 80.166667 61.2 10.125 6.8 94.875 61.2
RCB 24.833333 20.4 80.166667 47.6 10.125 20.4 94.875 47.6
CB 24.833333 34.0 80.166667 34.0 10.125 34.0 94.875 34.0
LCB 24.833333 47.6 80.166667 20.4 10.125 47.6 94.875 20.4
LB 24.833333 61.2 80.166667 6.8 10.125 61.2 94.875 6.8
RWB 38.666667 6.8 66.333333 61.2 17.500 6.8 87.500 61.2
RDM 38.666667 20.4 66.333333 47.6 17.500 20.4 87.500 47.6
CDM 38.666667 34.0 66.333333 34.0 17.500 34.0 87.500 34.0
LDM 38.666667 47.6 66.333333 20.4 17.500 47.6 87.500 20.4
LWB 38.666667 61.2 66.333333 6.8 17.500 61.2 87.500 6.8
RM 52.500000 6.8 52.500000 61.2 24.875 6.8 80.125 61.2
RCM 52.500000 20.4 52.500000 47.6 24.875 20.4 80.125 47.6
CM 52.500000 34.0 52.500000 34.0 24.875 34.0 80.125 34.0
LCM 52.500000 47.6 52.500000 20.4 24.875 47.6 80.125 20.4
LM 52.500000 61.2 52.500000 6.8 24.875 61.2 80.125 6.8
RW 66.333333 6.8 38.666667 61.2 32.250 6.8 72.750 61.2
RAM 66.333333 20.4 38.666667 47.6 32.250 20.4 72.750 47.6
CAM 66.333333 34.0 38.666667 34.0 32.250 34.0 72.750 34.0
LAM 66.333333 47.6 38.666667 20.4 32.250 47.6 72.750 20.4
LW 66.333333 61.2 38.666667 6.8 32.250 61.2 72.750 6.8
RCF 94.000000 20.4 11.000000 47.6 47.000 20.4 58.000 47.6
ST 94.000000 34.0 11.000000 34.0 47.000 34.0 58.000 34.0
LCF 94.000000 47.6 11.000000 20.4 47.000 47.6 58.000 20.4
SS 80.166667 34.0 24.833333 34.0 39.625 34.0 65.375 34.0  # If you are using a Jupyter notebook you do not need this line

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 12.790 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery