Bumpy Charts

  • Author: slothfulwave612

  • mplsoccer, bumpy_chart module helps one to plot bumpy charts in a few lines of code.

  • Inspired By CJ Mayes

  • Here we will show some examples of how to use mplsoccer to plot bumpy charts.

import json
from urllib.request import urlopen

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from highlight_text import fig_text

from mplsoccer import Bumpy, FontManager, add_image

Load some fonts

We will use mplsoccer’s FontManager to load some fonts from Google Fonts. We borrowed the FontManager from the excellent ridge_map library.

font_normal = FontManager('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googlefonts/roboto/'
font_bold = FontManager('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/fonts/main/apache/robotoslab/'

Load Files

We will using these images/data in our examples. You can find all the images/data here.

epl = Image.open(

season_dict = json.load(

player_dict = json.load(

Making A Bumpy Chart

A Bumpy Chart is a special form of a line plot. This chart is well-suited for exploring changes in rank over time. Using this chart, you can easily compare the position, performance or rankings of multiple observations with respect to each other rather than the actual values itself. We are going to make use of the weekwise standing data for Premier League 2019/20.

# match-week
match_day = ["Week " + str(num) for num in range(1, 39)]

# highlight dict --> team to highlight and their corresponding colors
highlight_dict = {
    "Liverpool": "crimson",
    "Man City": "skyblue",
    "Man Utd": "gold"

# instantiate object
bumpy = Bumpy(
    scatter_color="#282A2C", line_color="#252525",  # scatter and line colors
    rotate_xticks=90,  # rotate x-ticks by 90 degrees
    ticklabel_size=17, label_size=30,  # ticklable and label font-size
    scatter_primary='D',  # marker to be used
    show_right=True,  # show position on the rightside
    plot_labels=True,  # plot the labels
    alignment_yvalue=0.1,  # y label alignment
    alignment_xvalue=0.065  # x label alignment

# plot bumpy chart
fig, ax = bumpy.plot(
    x_list=match_day,  # match-day or match-week
    y_list=np.linspace(1, 20, 20).astype(int),  # position value from 1 to 20
    values=season_dict,  # values having positions for each team
    secondary_alpha=0.5,   # alpha value for non-shaded lines/markers
    highlight_dict=highlight_dict,  # team to be highlighted with their colors
    figsize=(20, 16),  # size of the figure
    x_label='Week', y_label='Position',  # label name
    ylim=(-0.1, 23),  # y-axis limit
    lw=2.5,   # linewidth of the connecting lines
    fontproperties=font_normal.prop,   # fontproperties for ticklables/labels

# title and subtitle
TITLE = "Premier League 2019/20 week-wise standings:"
SUB_TITLE = "A comparison between <Liverpool>, <Manchester City> and <Manchester United>"

# add title
fig.text(0.09, 0.95, TITLE, size=29, color="#F2F2F2", fontproperties=font_bold.prop)

# add subtitle
    0.09, 0.94, SUB_TITLE, color="#F2F2F2",
    highlight_textprops=[{"color": 'crimson'}, {"color": 'skyblue'}, {"color": 'gold'}],
    size=25, fig=fig, fontproperties=font_bold.prop

# add image
fig = add_image(
     fig,  # figure
     0.02, 0.9,  # left and bottom dimensions
     0.08, 0.08  # height and width values

# if space is left in the plot use this
plot bumpy

Flip The y-axis

If you want to plot positions from the bottom, i.e. the 1st position will be at the bottom and the 20th position will be at the top. You can do it easily. You just have to pass upside_down=True inside plot function.

# instantiate object
bumpy = Bumpy(
    scatter_color="#282A2C", line_color="#252525",  # scatter and line colors
    rotate_xticks=90,  # rotate x-ticks by 90 degrees
    ticklabel_size=17, label_size=30,  # ticklable and label font-size
    scatter_primary='D',  # marker to be used
    show_right=True,  # show position on the rightside
    plot_labels=True,  # plot the labels
    alignment_yvalue=0.1,  # y label alignment
    alignment_xvalue=0.065,  # x label alignment

# plot bumpy chart
fig, ax = bumpy.plot(
    x_list=match_day,  # match-day or match-week
    y_list=np.linspace(1, 20, 20).astype(int),  # position value from 1 to 20
    values=season_dict,  # values having positions for each team
    secondary_alpha=0.5,   # alpha value for non-shaded lines/markers
    highlight_dict=highlight_dict,  # team to be highlighted with their colors
    figsize=(20, 16),  # size of the figure
    x_label='Week', y_label='Position',  # label name
    ylim=(-0.1, 23),  # y-axis limit
    lw=2.5,   # linewidth of the connecting lines
    upside_down=True,    # <--- to flip the y-axis
    fontproperties=font_normal.prop,   # fontproperties for ticklables/labels

# title and subtitle
TITLE = "Premier League 2019/20 week-wise standings:"
SUB_TITLE = "A comparison between <Liverpool>, <Manchester City> and <Manchester United>"

# add title
fig.text(0.09, 0.95, TITLE, size=29, color="#F2F2F2", fontproperties=font_bold.prop)

# add subtitle
    0.09, 0.94, SUB_TITLE, color="#F2F2F2",
    highlight_textprops=[{"color": 'crimson'}, {"color": 'skyblue'}, {"color": 'gold'}],
    size=25, fig=fig, fontproperties=font_bold.prop

# add image
fig = add_image(
     fig,  # figure
     0.02, 0.9,  # left and bottom dimensions
     0.08, 0.08  # height and width values

# if space is left in the plot use this
plot bumpy

Light Theme

You can use background_color, scatter_color, label_color, and line_color arguments to change the whole theme of the plot. Below is the code demonstrating how to make a light-theme bumpy chart using mplsoccer. Below you can also use scatter_points, scatter_primary, and scatter_size arguments inside Bumpy method to change markers and their sizes.

# highlight dict --> team to highlight and their corresponding colors
highlight_dict = {
    "Man Utd": "crimson",
    "Chelsea": "blue"

# instantiate object
bumpy = Bumpy(
    background_color="#F6F6F6", scatter_color="#808080",
    label_color="#000000", line_color="#C0C0C0",
    rotate_xticks=90,  # rotate x-ticks by 90 degrees
    ticklabel_size=17, label_size=30,  # ticklable and label font-size
    scatter_points='D',   # other markers
    scatter_primary='o',  # marker to be used for teams
    scatter_size=150,   # size of the marker
    show_right=True,  # show position on the rightside
    plot_labels=True,  # plot the labels
    alignment_yvalue=0.1,  # y label alignment
    alignment_xvalue=0.065  # x label alignment

# plot bumpy chart
fig, ax = bumpy.plot(
    x_list=match_day,  # match-day or match-week
    y_list=np.linspace(1, 20, 20).astype(int),  # position value from 1 to 20
    values=season_dict,  # values having positions for each team
    secondary_alpha=0.2,   # alpha value for non-shaded lines/markers
    highlight_dict=highlight_dict,  # team to be highlighted with their colors
    figsize=(20, 16),  # size of the figure
    x_label='Week', y_label='Position',  # label name
    ylim=(-0.1, 23),  # y-axis limit
    lw=2.5,   # linewidth of the connecting lines
    fontproperties=font_normal.prop,   # fontproperties for ticklabels/labels

# title and subtitle
TITLE = "Premier League 2019/20 week-wise standings:"
SUB_TITLE = "A comparison between <Manchester United> and <Chelsea>"

# add title
fig.text(0.03, 0.95, TITLE, size=29, color="#222222", fontproperties=font_bold.prop)

# add subtitle
    0.03, 0.94, SUB_TITLE, color="#222222",
    highlight_textprops=[{"color": 'crimson'}, {"color": 'blue'}],
    size=25, fig=fig, fontproperties=font_bold.prop

# if space is left in the plot use this
plot bumpy

Player Percentile Rank Viz

Here we will create a bumpy-chart that will compare two players based on their percentile rank.

# attributes and highlight dict
attribute = [
    "xA", "Passes\nInto Pen", "Passes\nInto Final 1/3", "Progressive\nPass Distance",
    "Pass\nReceive%", "Progressive\nCarry Distance"
highlight_dict = {
    "Cristián Zapata": "crimson",
    "Francesco Acerbi": "cornflowerblue"

# instantiate object
bumpy = Bumpy(
    rotate_xticks=0, ticklabel_size=23, label_size=28, scatter="value",
    show_right=True, alignment_yvalue=0.15, alignment_xvalue=0.06

# plot bumpy chart
fig, ax = bumpy.plot(
    x_list=attribute, y_list=np.linspace(1, 100, 11).astype(int), values=player_dict,
    secondary_alpha=0.05, highlight_dict=highlight_dict,
    figsize=(20, 12),
    x_label="Attributes", y_label="Percentile Rank", ylim=(0.5, 12),

# title and subtitle
TITLE = "Comparison Between <Cristián Zapata> and <Francesco Acerbi>"

# add title
    0.02, 0.98, TITLE, color="#F2F2F2",
    highlight_textprops=[{"color": 'crimson'}, {"color": 'cornflowerblue'}],
    size=34, fig=fig
# if space is left in the plot use this

plot bumpy

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 4.113 seconds)

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