Source code for mplsoccer.utils

""" Python module containing helper functions for mplsoccer."""
# Authors: Anmol_Durgapal(@slothfulwave612), Andrew Rowlinson (@numberstorm)
# The FontManager is taken from the ridge_map package by Colin Carroll (@colindcarroll)
# ridge_map is available here:

import warnings
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from urllib.request import urlopen

import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

from mplsoccer import dimensions

__all__ = ['add_image', 'validate_ax', 'inset_axes',
           'set_visible', 'Standardizer', 'FontManager', 'set_labels', 'get_aspect',
           'copy_doc', 'inset_image']

[docs] def add_image(image, fig, left, bottom, width=None, height=None, **kwargs): """ Adds an image to a figure using fig.add_axes and ax.imshow If downsampling an image 'hamming' interpolation is recommended Parameters ---------- image: array-like or PIL image The image data. fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure The figure on which to add the image. left, bottom: float The dimensions left, bottom of the new axes. All quantities are in fractions of figure width and height. This positions the image axis in the figure left% in from the figure side and bottom% in from the figure bottom. width, height: float, default None The width, height of the new axes. All quantities are in fractions of figure width and height. For best results use only one of these so the image is scaled appropriately. **kwargs : All other keyword arguments are passed on to matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from PIL import Image >>> from mplsoccer import add_image >>> from urllib.request import urlopen >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> image_url = '' >>> image = urlopen(image_url) >>> image = >>> ax_image = add_image(image, fig, left=0.1, bottom=0.2, width=0.4, height=0.4) """ if isinstance(image, Image.Image): image_width, image_height = image.size else: image_height, image_width = image.shape[:2] image_aspect = image_width / image_height figsize = fig.get_size_inches() fig_aspect = figsize[0] / figsize[1] if height is None: height = width / image_aspect * fig_aspect if width is None: width = height * image_aspect / fig_aspect # add image ax_image = fig.add_axes((left, bottom, width, height)) ax_image.axis('off') # axis off so no labels/ ticks ax_image.imshow(image, **kwargs) return ax_image
[docs] def inset_image(x, y, image, width=None, height=None, vertical=False, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Adds an image as an inset_axes. Parameters ---------- x, y: float image: array-like or PIL image The image data. width, height: float, default None The width, height of the inset_axes for plotting the image. By default in the data coordinates. vertical : bool, default False If the orientation is vertical (True), then the code switches the x and y coordinates. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, default None The axis to plot on. **kwargs : All other keyword arguments are passed on to matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from PIL import Image >>> from urllib.request import urlopen >>> from mplsoccer import inset_image >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> image_url = '' >>> image = urlopen(image_url) >>> image = >>> ax_image = inset_image(0.5, 0.5, image, width=0.2, ax=ax) """ validate_ax(ax) if isinstance(image, Image.Image): image_width, image_height = image.size else: image_height, image_width = image.shape[:2] image_aspect = image_height / image_width ax_aspect = ax.get_aspect() if ax_aspect == 'auto': ax_aspect = get_aspect(ax) if vertical: x, y = y, x if height is not None and width is not None: raise TypeError('Invalid argument: you must only give one of height or width not both') if height is None and width is None: raise TypeError('Invalid argument: you must supply one of height or width') if width is None: width = height / image_aspect * ax_aspect elif height is None: height = width * image_aspect / ax_aspect bbox = (x - width / 2, y - height / 2, width, height) ax_inset = ax.inset_axes(bbox, transform=ax.transData, xlim=(0, image_width), ylim=(image_height, 0), **kwargs) ax_inset.imshow(image, **kwargs) ax_inset.axis('off') return ax_inset
[docs] def validate_ax(ax): """ Error message when ax is missing.""" if ax is None: msg = "Missing 1 required argument: ax. A Matplotlib axis is required for plotting." raise TypeError(msg)
[docs] def get_aspect(ax): """ Get the aspect ratio of an axes. From Stackoverflow post by askewchan: Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, default None Returns ------- float """ left_bottom, right_top = ax.get_position() * ax.figure.get_size_inches() width, height = right_top - left_bottom return height / width * ax.get_data_ratio()
[docs] def inset_axes(x, y, width=None, height=None, aspect=None, polar=False, vertical=False, ax=None, **kwargs): """ A function to create an inset axes. Parameters ---------- x, y: float The x/y coordinate of the center of the inset axes. width : float, default None The width of the inset axes in the x data coordinates. height : float, default None The height of the inset axes in the y data coordinates. aspect : float or str ('pitch'), default None You can specify a combination of height and aspect or width and aspect. This will make the axes visually have the given aspect ratio (width/height). For example, if you want an inset axes to appear square set aspect = 1. For polar plots, this is defaulted to 1. polar : bool, default False Whether the inset axes if a polar projection. vertical : bool, default False If the orientation is vertical (True), then the code switches the x and y coordinates. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, default None The axis to plot on. **kwargs : All other keyword arguments are passed on to the inset_axes. Returns -------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Examples -------- >>> from mplsoccer import inset_axes >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> inset_ax = inset_axes(0.5, 0.5, height=0.2, aspect=1, ax=ax) """ validate_ax(ax) xlim = kwargs.pop('xlim', (0, 1)) ylim = kwargs.pop('ylim', (0, 1)) ax_aspect = ax.get_aspect() if not isinstance(polar, bool): raise TypeError(f"Invalid 'polar' argument: '{polar}' should be bool.") if ax_aspect == 'auto': ax_aspect = get_aspect(ax) if polar and aspect is not None and aspect != 1: warnings.warn('aspect is ignored for polar plots (defaults to 1)', UserWarning) if polar: aspect = 1 if vertical: x, y = y, x width, height = height, width if vertical and aspect is not None: aspect = 1 / aspect if polar and height is not None and width is not None: raise TypeError('Invalid argument: for polar axes provide only one of width or height') if aspect is not None and width is not None and height is not None: raise TypeError('Invalid argument: if using aspect you cannot use both width and height') if ((width is not None) + (height is not None) + (aspect is not None)) != 2: raise TypeError( 'Invalid argument: must give the arguments width and height,' ' or width and aspect, or height and aspect') if aspect is not None and width is None: width = height / aspect * ax_aspect elif aspect is not None and height is None: height = width * aspect / ax_aspect bbox = (x - width / 2, y - height / 2, width, height) return ax.inset_axes(bbox, transform=ax.transData, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, polar=polar, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_visible(ax, spine_bottom=False, spine_top=False, spine_left=False, spine_right=False, grid=False, tick=False, label=False): """ Helper method to set the visibility of matplotlib spines, grid and ticks/ labels. By default, sets all to invisible. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The axis to set visibility on. spine_bottom, spine_top, spine_left, spine_right : bool, default False Whether to show the spines. grid : bool, default False Whether to show the grid lines. tick : bool, deafult False Whether to draw the ticks. label : bool, default False Whether to draw the tick labels. """ ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(spine_bottom) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(spine_top) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(spine_left) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(spine_right) ax.grid(grid) ax.tick_params(bottom=tick, top=tick, left=tick, right=tick, labelbottom=label, labeltop=label, labelleft=label, labelright=label)
[docs] def set_labels(ax, label_value, label_axis): """ Function to set label for a given axis. Args: ax (axes.Axes): axis object. label_value (list): ticklabel values. label_axis (str): axis name, 'x' or 'y' Returns: list: label names """ if label_axis == 'x': ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(label_value))) axis = ax.get_xticklabels() else: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(label_value)) + 1) axis = ax.get_yticklabels() labels = [items.get_text() for items in axis] count = 0 if label_axis == 'x' else len(label_value) - 1 for i in range(len(labels)): labels[i] = label_value[count] if label_axis == 'x': count += 1 else: count -= 1 return labels
[docs] class Standardizer: """ Convert from one set of coordinates to another. Parameters ---------- pitch_from, pitch_to : str, default 'statsbomb' The pitch to convert the coordinates from (pitch_from) and to (pitch_to). The supported pitch types are: 'opta', 'statsbomb', 'tracab', 'wyscout', 'uefa', 'metricasports', 'custom', 'skillcorner' and 'secondspectrum'. length_from, length_to : float, default None The pitch length in meters. Only used for the 'tracab' and 'metricasports', 'skillcorner', 'secondspectrum' and 'custom' pitch_type. width_from, width_to : float, default None The pitch width in meters. Only used for the 'tracab' and 'metricasports', 'skillcorner', 'secondspectrum' and 'custom' pitch_type Examples -------- >>> from mplsoccer import Standardizer >>> standard = Standardizer(pitch_from='statsbomb', pitch_to='custom', ... length_to=105, width_to=68) >>> x = [20, 30] >>> y = [50, 80] >>> x_std, y_std = standard.transform(x, y) """ def __init__(self, pitch_from, pitch_to, length_from=None, width_from=None, length_to=None, width_to=None): if pitch_from not in dimensions.valid: raise TypeError(f'Invalid argument: pitch_from should be in {dimensions.valid}') if (length_from is None or width_from is None) and pitch_from in dimensions.size_varies: raise TypeError("Invalid argument: width_from and length_from must be specified.") if pitch_to not in dimensions.valid: raise TypeError(f'Invalid argument: pitch_to should be in {dimensions.valid}') if (length_to is None or width_to is None) and pitch_to in dimensions.size_varies: raise TypeError("Invalid argument: width_to and length_to must be specified.") self.pitch_from = pitch_from self.pitch_to = pitch_to self.length_from = length_from self.width_from = width_from self.length_to = length_to self.width_to = width_to self.dim_from = dimensions.create_pitch_dims(pitch_type=pitch_from, pitch_length=length_from, pitch_width=width_from) self.dim_to = dimensions.create_pitch_dims(pitch_type=pitch_to, pitch_length=length_to, pitch_width=width_to)
[docs] def transform(self, x, y, reverse=False): """ Transform the coordinates. Parameters ---------- x, y : array-like or scalar. Commonly, these parameters are 1D arrays. reverse : bool, default False If reverse=True then reverse the transform. Therefore, the coordinates are converted from pitch_to to pitch_from. Returns ---------- x_standardized, y_standardized : np.array 1d The coordinates standardized in pitch_to coordinates (or pitch_from if reverse=True). """ # to numpy arrays x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) if reverse: dim_from, dim_to = self.dim_to, self.dim_from else: dim_from, dim_to = self.dim_from, self.dim_to # clip outside to pitch extents x = x.clip(min=dim_from.left, max=dim_from.right) y = y.clip(min=dim_from.pitch_extent[2], max=dim_from.pitch_extent[3]) # for inverted axis flip the coordinates if dim_from.invert_y: y = dim_from.bottom - y x_standardized = self._standardize(dim_from.x_markings_sorted, dim_to.x_markings_sorted, x) y_standardized = self._standardize(dim_from.y_markings_sorted, dim_to.y_markings_sorted, y) # for inverted axis flip the coordinates if dim_to.invert_y: y_standardized = dim_to.bottom - y_standardized return x_standardized, y_standardized
@staticmethod def _standardize(markings_from, markings_to, coordinate): """" Helper method to standardize the data""" # to deal with nans set nans to zero temporarily mask_nan = np.isnan(coordinate) coordinate[mask_nan] = 0 pos = np.searchsorted(markings_from, coordinate) low_from = markings_from[pos - 1] high_from = markings_from[pos] proportion_of_way_between = (coordinate - low_from) / (high_from - low_from) low_to = markings_to[pos - 1] high_to = markings_to[pos] standardized_coordinate = low_to + ((high_to - low_to) * proportion_of_way_between) # then set nans back to nan standardized_coordinate[mask_nan] = np.nan return standardized_coordinate def __repr__(self): return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(' f'pitch_from={self.pitch_from}, pitch_to={self.pitch_to}, ' f'length_from={self.length_from}, width_from={self.width_from}, ' f'length_to={self.length_to}, width_to={self.width_to})')
[docs] class FontManager: """Utility to load fun fonts from for matplotlib. Find a nice font at, and then get its corresponding URL from The FontManager is taken from the ridge_map package by Colin Carroll (@colindcarroll). Parameters ---------- url : str, default is the url for Roboto-Regular.ttf Can really be any .ttf file, but probably looks like '' Note 1: make sure the ?raw=true is at the end. Note 2: urls like '' allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, and work in browser environments based on PyOdide (e.g. JupyterLite). Those urls don't need the ?raw=true at the end Examples -------- >>> from mplsoccer import FontManager >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> font_url = '' >>> fm = FontManager(url=font_url) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> ax.text(x=0.5, y=0.5, s="Good content.", fontproperties=fm.prop, size=30) """ def __init__(self, url=('' 'src/hinted/Roboto-Regular.ttf')): self.url = url with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".ttf") as temp_file: temp_file.write(urlopen(self.url).read()) self._prop = fm.FontProperties( @property def prop(self): """Get matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties object that sets the custom font.""" return self._prop def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(font_url={self.url})'
[docs] def copy_doc(func): """ Decorator to copy a docstring to a new function/method. Inspired by estnani's answer: """ def _doc(new_func): new_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__ return new_func return _doc